Notecaddy Pro.Tools Omaha: Professional collection of stats/definitions and pop-ups for PLO.
HUDs and pop-ups for 6-9max and Heads-Up.This Package will allow to understanding game of your opponents better. With using extended statistics you can often find a more optimal line for valuebets and more opportunities for bluffs.
Pro.Tools Omaha package includes popups made with using of Notecaddy stats and HUDs for Heads-Up / 6 max / 9 max tables. Customized convenient popups allow finding quickly demanded information and you will be able to make more often the correct decisions.
Package is intended for expansion of your game for exploitation of opponents.
The additional statistics will allow to see better more places where you can use weaknesses of opponents and thanks to what to take additional profit both on a preflop and on a postflop.For bluff: using high folds on preflop and postflop
For value bets: using lines and that bets when opponents make calls more often
Action on different board textures, stats of gameplay in different position (SB vs BB, BTN vs Blinds…) and many other things will be available to use thanks to the collection Notecaddy Pro.Tools Omaha.
Statistics vsHero: 97Total amount: 1509 stats/definitions
Preflop: 66 stats
SRP/Single raised pots: 256 stats
3bet/4bet pots: 140 stats
Positional stats and limp pots BTN/SB/BB: 182 stats
Other statistics, DeepStack and others: 164 + statsThree HUDs: 6-9max and Heads-Up
(Clarification: first HUD with extended statistics of betsizings and vsHero gameplay, second HUDs is intended for games with the reduced statistics on opponents)Three colors of pop-ups: bright / dark / grey
Badges/Informers: 32+
Badges (informers, icons with leaks of the opponent) are placed in HUD and are intended for simplification of decision-making on a preflop, a postflop and for detection of weak opponents. Quantity of badges in HUD can be changed.
The composition and number of badges in Pro.Tools Omaha package is optimal for use, as when a large number of badges in HUD significantly reduce the effectiveness of the functional.
Three HUDs
Three color of pop-ups
Badges: more 32+Detailed statistics of preflop and postflop gameplay
Actions of different board textures (Single raise pots and 3bet pots)
Preflop and postflop game statistics in DeepStack (DeepStack 180bb+)
Displaying postflop ranges at the bottom of pop-ups (Donk, Raise, X/Raise and others)
Statistics of gameplay in Limp potStatistics of betsizes on preflop: folds to steal, folds to 3bet with different betsizes of steal
Statistics of folds to raise with different betsizes
Stats of gameplay vs Hero (blue stats)
Stats that shows how you play against this opponent, that mean how he see you (red stats (HeroStats))
Stats shows wins and showdown with different lines (pink stats: Wins at Showdown), Pop-ups: Caller, PFR for Single raised pots and 3bet pots
Stats of winning at showdown (WTSD) in Single Raised Pots, 3bet/4bet pots and Deepstacks
Block Bet&Win in HUD and pop-up ShowDown: stats Bet&Win allows you to see what betsizes your opponents use for bluffs and value bets.
Pink stats shows wins with different betsizes
Stats that shows on what sizes opponents folds more often or call more often
(Pop-up Showdown: red stats)
Pop-up Winrate added stats with Hero winnings against this opponentAnd others ...
More detailed description of features in Pro.Tools package (for Holdem): Description pdf (ENG)
Description of HUD for Heads-Up: Description pdf (ENG)
Description of usage: Description pdf (ENG)
Group of badges that show number of leaks/exploits on postflop for Preflop raiser (PFR), Caller IP/OOP and for 3bet pots:
Number of leaks/exploits of preflop raiser in position (PFR IP)
Number of leaks/exploits of preflop raiser out of position (PFR OOP)
Number of leaks/exploits of caller in position (Caller IP)
Number of leaks/exploits of caller out of position (Caller OOP)
Badges for 3bet pots
Group of badges for classification of opponents by aggression and a profit on postflop:
PFR/Preflop raiser: High aggression and High Profit
PFR/Preflop raiser: High aggression and Low Profit
PFR/Preflop raiser: Low aggression and Low Profit
Caller: High Profit
Caller: Low Profit
Badges for 3bet pots
Group of badges for a better choice of tables for game:
High profit of Hero against Villain
Low profit of Hero against Villain
This group of two badges will help you with table selection and you will see weak players (regulars) against which you win.Group of badges displaying the preflop and postflop leaks:
Fold to cold 4бет (Cold 4bet = CO Open / BTN 3bet / BB 4bet)
Fold to iso-3bet (iso-3bet = EP limp / CO Raise / BTN 3bet)
Fold to 4bet after Squeeze
Limp call and check-fold in Flop
Preflop raiser in position check on Flop and fold to bet on Turn
PFR-IP Flop: Caller check / PFR Check
Turn: Caller bet / PFR Fold
Caller IP call Flop and Turn and more often fold to bet 33% of pot on River
Caller IP call Flop and Turn and more often fold to bet 50% of pot on River
Caller IP call Flop and Turn and more often fold to bet 75% of pot on River
And others…
List of badges: Description pdf (ENG)
Notecaddy Pro.Tools Omaha – all the required stats for the post-flop game, and the new, easy-to-use quality pop-ups.
Notecaddy Pro.Tools Omaha – adapted to use at different levels of the game, from micro to high stakes. Common statistics on opponents, positional gameplay, a high amount of vsHERO stats, system of stats placement in popups is simple and clear to use at any limit you play.
List of badges: Description pdf (ENG)
Features/Description of usage of Pro.Tools package (for Holdem): Description pdf (ENG)
and other languages: Русский / Español / Italiano / Česká / Polski
Description of HUD for Heads-Up PLO: Description pdf (ENG) / Description pdf (RUS)
Description of usage of pop-ups: Description pdf (ENG)
Skype: NoteCaddy.ProTools
Skype: Text / Voice
Teamviewer: Help with installation and setup
If there is no your native language, please contact with us and we will make translation for free.
A great product! It helped in adjusting and with the analysis of opponents. Play on FTP, NL100-200.
It is very convenient, notices are writing when you are playing on many tables and there is no opportunity to write down manually.
Many thanks to Author!
Bought. Useful and is practical. To author respect for the excellent work.
More extension opportunities of gameplay analysis, contact with us for more information.